Meet Me


  • Transformational Life Coach, Southwest Institute of Healing Arts
  • Clinical Hypnotherapist, Southwest Institute of Healing Arts
  • Aromatherapist, Southwest Institute of Healing Arts
  • Reporting & Compliance Manager/Systems Administrator, Deloitte & Touche
  • MSLIS Library and Information Science, Long Island University, Palmer School
  • Peace Corps Education & HIV/AIDS Volunteer, Cameroon West Africa

After having spent 8 years in the corporate world after completing my Master of Science degree in Library and Information Science, steadily moving up the corporate ladder, I was desperate for a change. I had lost the passion for my work.

I was trapped in fear and a revolving door of financial stress. That fear and self-sabotage were born out of the unconscious wounds I still carried from childhood.

I am a survivor of childhood sexual, physical and emotional abuse. In adulthood, the effects of my childhood abuse played out in love and sex addiction and intimacy avoidance. I was a serial monogamist, desperately seeking The One who could take away my misery and bestow me with self-worth but I only succeeded in leaving behind a trail of broken hearts on both sides.

As a recovering love and sex addict and intimacy avoidant, I understand how trauma can deeply affect one’s emotional health and ability to live a full, happy and enriching life.

Once I became ready to acknowledge that I was the common denominator in my dysfunctional life and realized that change had to come from within, I gained a deeper understanding of how my past conditioning and traumas created the unconscious rules I was living by; rules I unwittingly allowed to control my life and relationships.

I discovered hypnotherapy and it had a tremendous impact on my personal healing and soon after I bit the personal development bug. I absorbed books on healing trauma, love addiction and living consciously.

Once I became aware of the unconscious rules I was living by, I adopted tools to help me regain control over my emotional state and began making better-informed choices about how I live, love, and work.

Climbing out of my deep, dark hole of despair took courage and support. It required courage and support to look at those inner hurts to find the fuel to transform those hurts into power, into self-awareness, into intention, into confidence, into trust, into self-love, into happiness, into joy and peace.

I no longer make choices based on self-constructed subconscious fears and instead use self-awareness to deconstruct self-destructive patterns and behaviors.

As a result of saying YES to myself and making choices that were in alignment with my goals and desires, my passion for my work returned.

The journey continues and I am now passionate about helping others uncover the unconscious rules controlling the destiny of their lives and create conscious, enriching lives and relationships.

If my story resonates with you and you want to learn how to create meaning in your life and relationships, untethered by the emotional baggage of the past, then I want to invite you into a deeper conversation with me. Click here to set up an appointment for a free 60-minute discovery session.